Gone2Flowers Member


  • I've found that if I workout for at least an hour for 5 nights and really watch my calories I drop but life gets in the way sometimes and I can't go the full hour. Thankfully I've just noticed this and told my husband so he's on board with making sure I get my hour one way or another. It's funny because I'm so super proud…
  • Oh no my husband and I decided it's too late for us lol We don't want a high schooler and a grade schooler so I've got 5 yr birth control and he's looking into getting snipped. It may be selfish but we're looking forward to our freedom in our late 30s since we gave it up in our early 20s when we had our daughter so young.…
  • You're all absolutely right, it doesn't really matter how fast I lose it so long as I do. I'm just nota terribly patient person lol Once upon a time I was half the size I am now and I guess I'm just super excited to get back there again! I have PCOS as well so I totally understand all the frustrations with that. I got…
  • As a fellow desk jockey (though my job is not at all cool) I know the sitting all day blues. It's funny how staring at a screen all day can wipe you out and make going for a run/walk at the end of the day seem like too much work.
  • My bypass is scheduled for 1/31 and I'm looking for friends who have gone or are going through the same changes.