I find it difficult to exercise regularly. I am tired when I get out of work and the last thing I want to do is move. And it is pitiful because I am really out of shape. My endurance is just...gone! I only can get myself to the Y once a week and figure I can do an exercise video on Roku maybe 2 times a week. Even that…
Oh and no I did not do anything to re-stock the good bacteria... Not sure if that helped or hurt me
I took augmentin and had to miss work for well over a week. I swear I have not felt the same since! I tried a Fit 30 video on Roku last night and could only get thru 17 minutes before I had to give up. I will try again today. I refuse to stay looking and feeling like this!
I am 43 and I feel like ever since I caught pneumonia last December, I feel much older and weaker. I never used to gain weight and over the last 9 months, I gained 10 pounds, which is nearly 10% of my body weight. All of a sudden everything I eat makes me gain weight and it seems to be getting worse. I have to turn things…