I have the same situation at home so i understand. While both my boyfriend and i are over weight i have finally gotten serious about making the change and while I wish he would also, i know that you need to have the mentality otherwise you will not stick with it. Sometimes it's just hard bc he's like oh let's go out to eat…
I use a polar m400 and I know that has a GPS in it as well as counting calories and what % of calories burned is from Fat. It comes with a heart rate monitor you strap around your chest which is suppose to be more accurate than the wrist. I love mine and ive had a Samsung and 2 fitbits that I've returned bc they werent…
I have a polar m400 and love it. I use it for the calorie count and it will tell you how much body fat % is lost from the calories burned. I looked into alot of different.brands and found this has the most accurate and straight forward use in my opinion.
Awesome. I m definitely looking into starting to run. It's always been a goal of mine to be able to just wake up and go for a run. Been doing 10 minutes running on the treadmill woth no stops so I would call that a successful start
I was looking for a good heart rate monitor and went to best buy and the lady had told me to go with the samsung gear fit2. I was looking forsomething g that would track my heart rate and keep an accurate count of calories burned. As an andriod user this was so inaccurate. It would tell me i burned 300+ calories as soon as…
Getting real with myself. As someone who has been on a diet yoyo I found that not being realistic was a huge reason i failed. As a chef food is a huge thing in my life and I couldn't wrap my head around the idea of eating plain chicken with broccoli and rice for ever. It wasnt going to make me achieve my goal to lose…
I was hoping I could join. I asked to join for the October one but im not sire where the link is to put all the Info needed so i know I registered
If you click on the person's username and then on their name again in the screen that pops up it should have a button that says add as friend