Thank you everyone for your advice. I will definitely take a lot of it under consideration, especially the suggestions of brands and food combinations. Any other suggestions are welcome, but this is a good starting point.
The fruits I like are apples, strawberries, bananas, and grapes. The only vegetables I can tolerate are uncooked spinach (smothered in salad dressing) and corn (smothered in butter). I do not eat any seafood, so my sole protein sources tend to be red meats and chicken. The consistency of foods like yogurt make me nauseous…
It is a struggle to get started, but trust me you don't want your motivation to become mine. I'm not even 25 years old and I weigh over 300 lbs. I was just diagnosed with high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes. That is my motivation. If I don't change my life, I won't have one to live. My advice to you is to not think…