Here it is great article
I am not saying 2500 every day I am saying once a week 2500 calories and another day add 500 you need to trick your body I am not promoting their products but I take free advice anytime. When you have a sec read this and check out the video. I am looking for a specific article I read like 3 months ago for you to have a…
Well I think your issue is that with your weight training you need to up the weight and intensity and you body has gone into starvation mode one day a week you need to increase your calories to 2500 per day have a slice and a beer and another day you should increase your total by 500 to trick your body to start burning…
I didn't read all the replies so I am going into this blind but i have some questions do you weight train or just doing cardio? Are you having a cheat day once a week and increasing your calories by about 500 one day a week? These are very important questions. I would like to help if need some advice.