jsmith0724 Member


  • Hit goal of 88 oz.
  • Water to drink: 88 oz Drank: 96 oz
  • Workout #4 completed! Circuit #1. I'm going to really focus on my eating this week. Marissabelvins220- I've seen the infomercial for Country Heat...looks like fun! Hope your husband will be impressed by your moves next week! Lol 1thequeenb- Way to go with all the miles you ran this month!
  • Need to drink: 89 oz So far I've had 94
  • Hello! I missed yesterday's workout... I need to make sure I complete it first thing in the mornings, especially on the weekends. I did complete workout #3 today which was the cardio #1. Those running mans are the worst! I haven't been paying close attention to my eating this weekend but I am going to try my best to track…
  • Hi! Can I join you guys? I just completed the week 1, day 2 workout.
  • Hi! I would like to be included in this challenge...seems like it will be good motivation!
  • Hello! I'm Jen. I'm starting Body Revolution today... Just completed workout #1! It's been sitting in my closet for years but I never made it past phase 1. I have a 6 month old and am trying to lose the baby weight. I think the accountability of this group will help me stay on track!