ctorres3108607 Member


  • Week 4 SW:263 today 245.2! I was 263 a WeeK before starting contrave n MyFitnessPal together on 3/14.... It's going well. Learning what I can and should not eat... Working out and SEEING RESULTS! at work people ask me what I'm doing to lose , I get so happy! CHEERS ( WITH A BOTTLE of water of course ) keep going pplz !!!!
  • Week2 seven pounds down ! No nausea but some pretty harsh headaches. I'm prone to migraines, but these were just severe headaches (maybe from the sugar withdrawal too!!!) But I am literally reminding myself to eat. I don't crave anything , even if it's in my face. It's awesome.
  • I have only been on 3 days. Post bday weekend my eating habits were out of control. I started on the 14th. No nausea just feeling EXHAUSTED.... I havent snacked like I usually do at work. No reaching for candy or chocolate. Don't know if it's the med or its mental. Took my starting weight. We will see how this goes. :*