mizdanilynne Member


  • I can totally relate! It is amazing how quickly the pounds (or stones) creep back on when consuming alcohol! Not to mention it is much easier to stay within the calorie range on mfp when not drinking. It is not a matter of will power as I can (sometimes) take it or leave it. It is enjoyable and relaxing. That being said, I…
  • Hi all! 54 and goal is to lose 100 lbs. Would love to work together to encourage each other along the way!
  • I actually looked this up today...a girlfriend an I are having a challenge to see who can lose the greatest % of weight in 4 months...here is what you do. You take the #'s lost/start weight and multiply by 100. i.e. if you lose 20# and your start weight was 180 (20/180=.1111 times 100 )= 11.11%