heatherlorrainewilliams Member


  • This is a tricky one to answer, I believe mine have contributed to my weight gain, however there are a number of other things also which have. I went from being around 75kg, now I am at the heaviest I have been at 113kg - this is over a 12 year time period. Back when I was 75kg I was swimming competitively, now I struggle…
  • Hi, I completely understand where you are coming from completely and I don't think I have the answer unfortunately. I am a regular binge eater and at the moment struggle to stay on track for a whole day let alone a week or two. I will be keen to see if there are some useful suggestions to this one.
  • Hi there, I also have a significant diet coke addiction - the more I think about it and the more people pester/point it out to me the more I end up drinking, even thinking about reducing it/giving it up set's off a stress reaction. Unless he want's to give it up he is not going to and constantly pointing it out to him or…