Iragen Member


  • Wow this really is something all over the place. I didn't think of it in all of these different ways since I assumed the core factor was "listen to your body, how it reacts and eat like I mentioned above", but also thinking thats for regular folks vs people who are under 14% body fat in strong athletic shape working out…
  • Thank you. It says your feed is private so I dont know if I should click somewhere else, but the informarion was helpful in terms of having me look at my diet tighter. I was given a calorie budget of roughly 2300 and I realized recently MFP gives me a weekly report. Im not losing the weight because im not down 7000…
  • Lol thanks. I'll try some of these suggestions. I tried to calculate it today at PF but the numbers didnt make sense (to me). Said my 1RM is 175lbs and i KNOW i can at least do 185ish. I haven't been slacking THAT much, but if I have god help me.
  • Appreciate the information. I was just shocked it would take that long to figure out. I thought I would just be run through a quick warm up and the trainer would plug some numbers and tell me the 1RM and bang boom done. I'll try some calculators in the mean time while I wait for him.
  • Thanks to everyone who responded. This was a crackshot of a question that I kind of just tossed out as a thought, but to clarify my thinking... it was less about weight loss and surprisingly about sugar itself. I remember reading that men are supposed to have no more than 30-40 grams of sugar and our average drink/food has…
  • Thanks a lot for all the recommendations! I'll check these out and try to make a plan. The main thing I see when people talk about prep is basically tons of grilled chicken or fish with a veggie side packed with some form of nuts or berries and snacks are usually Greek yogurts so this brings a lot of organization into the…