goldshotc Member


  • I'm on week 3 of P90X3. It's ALOT of sweat in just 30 minutes. Have you done any P90X before? This is my first experience w/ Tony Horton.
  • I just added all of the above - cleonora.
  • I LOVE sweets, but I've made myself alot more picky. If someone brings grocery store donuts to work (which is usually what they bring because it's cheaper), I don't partake because they just aren't as fresh as Krispy Kreme. The rare occasions when someone DOES bring Krispy Kreme, I can't resist because it tastes SOOO much…
  • Hi All! I'm in Winder, GA and have a little bit of weight to lose (15 lbs), but more importantly, I want to be healthy. I stay active (work full-time, scout leader, Church youth leader) & try to encourage my teenage son to maintain a healthy lifestyle. I HATE running, but he's a really good runner, so I go out w/ him and…
  • DONE!!! 2 sets of 45 seconds, 1 set of 30 seconds.
    in 10/30 Comment by goldshotc November 2015
  • Currently at 148, would like to get to 135. Any lower than that & I'd lose my boobs.