kayceekay01 Member


  • My doctor recently put me on a 1,200 calorie diet as my weight has hit a snag since getting an IUD removed back in October. I gained 15lb while that thing was in and I cannot lose it for anything :# I'm currently at my heaviest at 237 and 5"5. I'm also on antidepressants so double whammy. Feel free to check out my diary…
  • I definitely have a lot to learn in the new foods department as well. I have never heard of Kombucha lol. There are lots of new words I'm discovering while researching this diet. I am happy to say that one word that I can still say and not hide from is BACON. I am a girl who loves her bacon, so this diet and I are made to…
  • Also, off topic but is it normal to feel cold on this diet? I only notice because I am usually a hot natured person so being cold is another new one for me! lol
  • Thank you guys for the responses! I also mean to include that I take a magnesium supplement every day. I was doing this prior to starting Keto. You think maybe I'm not taking enough? I take one 250mg pill a day. Also, I don't really feel any different or "stopped up" as you put it :D but I also suffer from IBS and I find…
  • I'm on day 2 of keto, looking for friends to add also! I woke up this morning with very little appetite so far. I made myself eat something anyway just because I won't be able to eat anything again until around 1. I was starving yesterday and really craving my sweets. I think that may be more hormonal than anything else…