enichols619 Member


  • That is a brilliant idea! I'll definitely start doing that! Thanks!
  • I entered my own recipe there and then put that in the log. I only started logging on here when I started using the scale.
  • Yes I just started logging on here, I was logging in a rough way just through writing it down and calculating my calories.
  • Hm ok I'll do that.
  • I opened it! The only thing I have not been weighing is my condiments, could they make that much of a difference? I also don't log my spices because they are dried and only 1-5 calories
  • This is only the 3rd day of using a food scale for me but so far I found out I was actually eating less than I thought I was, I am only getting in around 1500 calories a day. I'm wondering if it's simply hormones or something that is causing my weight fluctuation? Grr so frustrating!
  • Oh haha sorry! That is definitely a difference! I'll be using the food scale this week and see how it goes
  • I'm not sure what you mean by that exactly, how would you know the exact difference in calories ? I did start using a scale today and so far my measurements were spot on with the amount I thought they weighed, I'm sure it's different depending on the particular food. Hopefully the food scale will help! :)
  • I do have a very good idea about how much something weighs because I cook A LOT and I weigh things for baking because it's much more accurate, I am very aware of portion sizes and do not eat any snacks at all and usually don't eat breakfast so I don't believe I over eat. I do have a good scale though and could start using…
  • I enter in my recipes and let this app calculate the calories in each serving. I do not use a food scale. I don't really calculate my calorie burns at this point because I become obsessed with it quite easily. I just try to get in plenty of exercise throughout the week.