Catfishbabs Member


  • All tomato sauce will have sugar just from the sugar that is in tomatoes. What you want to look for is if the sauce has no added sugar. Adding sugar may make the sauce taste better but does not add any nutritional benefit and only adds calories. Sugar may not be evil but my belief is that it is not healthy.
  • Yes losing weigh will change your the hormones that affect your appetite and hunger.
  • Core foods are generally healthy. I try to use the core principal of eating only when hungry and until satisfied. Non core foods in moderation. I try to maintain while on vacation and get tight back on my plan the day I get home.
  • Oh and I never liked the points plan. I always did core, now known as simply filling where you did not track points. Eat core foods, stop when full. If not a core point count towards a weekly point allowance. That allows for treats, or not so healthy foods in moderation. The very first WW plan I used was an exchange plan…
  • WW is the very first diet I did after my 3rd child was born. I lost 35 lbs in 6 months and became a lifetime member. It was about 27 years ago. I was able to maintain for a couple of years but then because of life events I regained all plus some. I always went back to WW and it always worked to lose but I would regain…
  • I started taking some medication 2 years ago that caused constipation. I tried everything and nothing worked. Finally my Dr told me to eat 4 prunes in the morning and 4 at night. Problem solved. I hated using that many calories on prunes so I scaled back to 4 in the morning and 2 at night. When I was traveling I scaled…