ilonapook Member


  • Great to know ....I have only ever bought red
  • First time posting and really appreciative of the feedback everyone ! Cheers :)
  • Thanks for all of this great input ! Foods that I dont usualy think of . Excited to use molassas as a snack food can be a can of smoked oysters.....looking out for new things to try and jazz up lentils and chick peas in......interesting that vegetable iron sources not as biovailable as meat sources ! I…
  • Thanks for the suggestion! I do put spinach in smoothies so maybe I can ramp that up a bit. Will also scour the cereal isle though trying to stay somewhat away from processed foods. Do you have a particular iron suppliment you suggest.?
  • I have made lentil soup. Any other recipe suggestions ? What can you mix with it as a side dish so its not just mushy?
  • You are kidding ! Never knew of that. I love teas.
  • Garbanzo beans any good ? Iron wise...... Love prune juice ! Love red meat but trying to move towards lower fat ......maybe iron can win out in thus internal debate. ;) Thank you