brianderson01 Member


  • So I completed my first work out. WOW I am really out of shape. I downloaded an app called SWORKIT and it walked me through a routine, very cool so far. Thanks for the encouragement everyone. Beth this app may help make working out more enjoyable. However this was my first workout with it I will keep you posted on how it…
  • Well I did not get any exercise today (other than walking at grocery store) even after I downloaded an app that looks to be a big help. I did however get my lunch together for the week, all healthy. NO MORE DORITOS.Tomorrow will be my first workout day. :)
  • Beth I can really sympathize with you as I have the same feelings and can't get motivated to workout. I have been told that once I get into a workout routine it will become almost addictive and it will give me positive energy and I will be happier overall. I, like you need someone to help encourage me to get to the…