eliseinak Member


  • Jillian Workout 5 today and it wasn't too bad. I'm noticing that some of my clothes fit differently, but the scale isn't moving at this point. I'm certainly stronger than I was and like the idea of getting more fit.
  • Woohooo! I'm glad you all are here. I just finished the first month and was so excited to be done with it, though the reality of the second month hasn't hit me yet :) Monday I'll see how it goes. I'm getting stronger too and can do five pushups now, but I have a feeling they're not the best form. I've lost weight on my…
  • I like Jillian Michael's style and workouts. I did her 30 Day Shred before and now I'm working my way through a 90 day program called Body Revolution. It's 30 minutes a day, six days a week, and there's enough variation that I can stick with the hard things and I don't get injured.
  • How's everyone doing? I just got through the second workout 3 and I'm definitely stronger, but also got a ways to go. I was shaky afterwards. I can't imagine what workouts 6-12 are like!!
  • I definitely am stronger than week one and could even do some of the pushups yesterday. Today, workout 4, was tough! I find myself looking forward to being done with the next two weeks, but then realize that workouts 5 and 6 will be even harder :) I do feel good though and proud of myself for getting this far.
  • I started week 3 today and it was definitely harder, but a good hard. I'm 5'2 and was 172, but I've already lost a good chunk of bloated water weight since I started eating better two weeks ago. I'm feeling better and hopeful that I can get through the entire 90 days. Glad to find this group!
  • Nice going Sharston1818! Thank you for the link TeaBea!!
  • Hey WordWhimsy! I started two weeks ago. I'd love to know others are working on things too. The first two weeks were pretty nice. This morning was my first Workout 3 and it was definitely harder, but a good hard. I sure do hope I can keep this up for the full three months!