DeniseJane65 Member


  • That's great encouragement! Thank you!! I am a grannie, too - 2 granddaughters - and it can be hard work keeping up with them sometimes. And I keep reading all this stuff about weight loss being difficult after the menopause but I'm determined to prove that idea wrong! I'm not on the scrapheap yet. Thank you for the…
  • I'm a returnee, too. Going for the last push to lose the last 2 stones. I managed to stabilise my previous weight loss, heaven knows how, but don't want to start creeping up again. All best wishes and good luck to you! You CAN do it!!!
  • Hi Naomi! I've just returned to this app after an absence. It worked for me before, and I kept off the weight! Now it's time for the second push to conquer the last 2 stones. I hope all goes well for you...exciting, isn't it? Best wishes, Denise