hilarysusan49 Member


  • Be proud of your hard work. You wouldn't feel like a jerk telling someone you got a promotion at work after doing a great presentation or getting a new client for you company. It's the same thing, you worked HARD, be proud, and hopefully you'll inspire others!
  • I have a body fat scale. It gives me not just my weight in pounds, but the percent of my weight that is body fat. So for instance this week I actually gained 3 lbs, but my body fat percent went down .5%, so I know I did lose fat, but gained muscle.
  • Hey, I started my most recent weight loss journey at 250. I was at 240 in July and am down to 220. It's sooooo hard to be motivated because I know how long it is going to take to get to where I want to be. I'm really fortunate to have found a fitness program that allows me to feel the difference each day, and see a…