hartgalore Member


  • Morning walks are a great idea! It’s a lovely way to start your day and fresh air always gives me a boost of energy. Have you tried swimming or water aerobics? I’ve heard it is easier on the joints and could be a nice way to beat the heat. If there’s a YMCA near you they typically have a pool and water-based classes, too.…
  • Wow! 2 months pp and going on 4K walks is impressive! I too had a challenging pregnancy- not at all what I had envisioned as a first time mom. My daughter is 6 months old now and I’m finally ready to get serious with exercising consistently and eating healthier. Keep up the great work, mama!
  • I go back and forth on this personally. I think the best approach is to just listen to your body. If you feel genuine hunger you should eat. Your body is working hard and some days it may need the extra fuel. :)