Thank you! I'm feeling much better hearing that there are success stories. I know it will take work and that's fine. I can do this! Thank u!
Congrats Vixtris! Thank you for the info/advice. I'm feeling better already about being able to get this weight off!
Thank you! I'm actually on Levo. My doctor doesn't seem to want to switch me to Synthroid. :-( In any case I will keep on my appointments and thank u again for the advice. Congrats on your success! :-)
It could be a medical issue. I have hypothyroidism and Hashimoto's which can causes fatigue. So does iron deficiency. Maybe you should go to the doctor and have him/her check your iron and maybe thyroid and anything else they can recommend.
Well that's good to hear. I have heard so much negativety about weight loss when you have hashi's and hypo. I think a lot of my fatigue is the extra weight. I've seen so many things that say too much exercise can cause more problems than help as far as fatigue goes. Just want to get healthy this time. I'm not putting a…