shawnamarie67 Member


  • I've switched out from my 2 coffee with cream and sugar to hot water and lemon. It is said to flush things out of you (lemons clean well! ) but I don't know if it's true. What it does do is help me hydrate much more regularly, assisting in the weight loss. Also, coffe used to cut my hunger in the morning allowing me to put…
  • I love this : a soft boiled egg then mixed with1/3c of cottage cheese with some chopped up green onion. A bit of pepper then microwave for 30-45 sec to melt cottage cheese. Stir and eat with a toasted English muffin. Yummy!
  • Hi Henry. I'm in the process of getting the surgery. They say my date should be sometime in the 2-3 months. I have to show I can make changes to my eating habits first. So that's what I'm doing with this. I started last week and lost 5 pounds. That is remarkable because every other time I've tried it's been excruciatingly…