bdeaton29 Member


  • I love Luna bars! Especially the smores.
  • No, she is an excellent doctor. It is a matter of waiting for insurance to kick in. :/ I'm not one to blindly listen to whatever is thrown at me, but I would like to hear from others who have or have had the same thing. Sorry, I should have clarified.
  • Could it be your sodium intake? Maybe take a break from pork. Do grilled chicken instead.
  • It is too vague, and it deals with too many variables and unknowns. It is definitely not accurate. And yet, I do like it. I use it as a reminder that if I keep making good choices, I could be where I should be in a short amount time.
  • Tonight, my husband rubbed a chicken breast with garlic and red crushed pepper and other spices and then baked it. At the end, he split the breast and poured queso in the middle (just a tablespoon) and topped it with a slice of swiss cheese. It was awesome.