foxchick27 Member


  • You got this!! Keep at it! Weight won't come off right away. Keep pushing yourself and within time you will see results. Remember to take photos every two weeks. It will help. Good luck.
  • Thanks everyone. My first week of my walking/ jogging was really hurting my inner left leg. I felt that walking wasn't intense enough. I have found great videos on YouTube for great cardio workouts that I am finally feeling really good about. That feeling when I completed a 45 min intense workout feels amazing. I…
  • Totally in the same boat! If my husband won't get on board to eat better with me ... than all I ask is from him to encourage me to keep doin better. But he hasn't. I have started some lite cardio walking..jogging..exercise videos! It helps me just by thinking that "well I'm gonna look great this time by next year." And I…