haleyselinab Member


  • Thank you for the input! And wow 3600 calories, I'm wondering if I should be shooting for more. I went over my goal by 600+ today which I'm pretty happy about. Had an extra pb+j haha
  • I am living off avocado+butter on multi grain toast. Peanut butter, cashew butter, chicken, and oatmeal. I'm looking for more options too and I hear you about thinking about food all day. Its so difficult :( I've been trying to gain weight for a few weeks now and today is my first day on this app& tracking it because the…
  • Steel cut oatmeal, add some peanut butter/cashew butter, real maple syrup (for extra calories & flavor) and maybe some chocolate chips (makes it taste like no bake cookie). I add coconut oil in my oatmeal too.