stephernie4 Member


  • Yum! That sounds great! I keep some cans of soup on hand for those nights when I don't want to prep and cook and want a low-cal meal. It's also good now that the weather has turned cold!
  • This is so me! I could live off of pizza and chicken nuggets. I'm pretty good about eating fruit, but really hate most veggies. I sneak in a handful of spinach in a smoothie most mornings, but frequently get to the end of the day and realize I've eaten no veggies (and sometimes no fruit). Eek!
  • I make smoothies most mornings with frozen strawberries and blueberries, spinach, a banana, fruit juice, and a little bit of Greek yogurt (about a fourth of a container). I'm interested in recommendations for how to get a little more protein in there.
  • I totally have this problem too! Not sure what the solution is though.