teenacollie Member


  • I think regardless of your pace, eating balanced and making sure you get your protein and bcaas for recovery is important. I'm a 5-10km trail runner and if I skip my recovery even after only 5km I feel stiff the next day. I only ever "fuel" or carb up of I'm racing.
  • I understand that too... stride dynamics depend on the runner. My Garmin says i have too much verticle oscillation in my stride unless I'm running 4min km which is stupid fast and I cant do it consistently or maintain it yet. But that's part of our challenge as we continue to run and push ourselves.
  • Also yoga once a week helps stretch out all those minor muscles and increase stability and blood flow. And as petty as it sounds, Good shoes goes along way.
  • I find my pace increasing but I intentionally am working to get back to where I was. Things like hill training and interval training will naturally increase your base pace on flat. Also I find when I am fighting the elements (rain/wind/snow) i push harder unconsciously and it leads to better splits.