LB551 Member


  • Few years back I never logged, but then again I was very discipline. I was a runner and ate everything, but in moderation. Never went to the gym and was in the best shape of my life. I enjoy logging. It keeps me in check.Once I become comfortable with the foods that I eat. I will probably stop logging.
  • Today: Breakfast: tea with milk & 1/4 cup cheerios with milk Snack: 6 Pistachios Lunch: egg salad on whole wheat toast and small veg salad. Snack: 1/2 apple & 2 small hard candies Dinner: homemade small veg burrito & small pea soup Snack: Oreo thins (4 pcs) 1 mini babybel cheese Calories Total: 1,176 - I stay under 2,000…
  • I am trying to cut my sugar intake since that is a weak area. I have cut my portions and stay within my caloric intake. Cook and eat more healthy. Don't buy junk food and never go grocery shopping when I am hungry. Drink lots of water and exercise regularly. So far it has been working well.
  • Pumpkin latte is my favorite, but will be skipping this year.Too many calories and I am in the process of reducing my sugar intake. I got myself a pumpkin shade lipstick that should do some justice.