stoneymatthews Member


  • This is hands down 100% me!! I lost 35-40lbs ... Easily ... And did it in a healthy way ... Quickly ... And kicked my butt to do it. Now? It's like I can't stop eating! It's the weirdest thing. I means, I can eat and eat and EAT, and yet nothing?? It's a terrible feeling. Feels out of control. I've went from 140 to 160 in…
  • I would say no ... but thats because I think most everything that says "cleanse" is a load of crap. Our liver and kidneys do all that just fine! water in the morning is great! It does wake up the system. honey, cinnamon? both equally great ... provides energy and the cinnamon has lots of healing properties. but the combo?…
  • ^^^ and this altho I still wouldn't weigh it haha
  • I do weigh nearly everything Been at MFP for well over 1000 days and if the package says 2 pieces of bacon at such and such calories ... thats how I long it ... and I've lost all my weight. I simply don't weigh that... Not sure why, I suppose I never really thought about it. I weigh all my fruits, veggies, meats etc ...…
  • I think most on MFP go by calorie/macro intake ... WW is confusing for a lot of ppl and often times the pts assigned to a food prevents most from eating it. Like nuts. They're great for you, keep you full, excellent fats! But instead, ppl gravitate to "what can I get the most of for the lowest # of points" and then tend to…
  • You look young, vibrant and loving life! You made a goal, achieved it and surpassed it! BRAVO!!!! Love this post!!!!