fbg419 Member


  • Got some great ideas to try this week
  • Weight daily only tracks your water/meal from dinner last night or whatever. Once or every two weeks is more accurate.
  • I've been using the iron patches and have never felt better. It also has a lot of vitamin C which is great. Not to mention not having those other side effects ☺☺☺
    in iron Comment by fbg419 June 2016
  • The sound of people chewing. I don't know why, it's just awful.
  • Chocolate sauce on pepperoni pizza. And I use hummus instead of mayo on my sandwiches.
  • Hi. Its hget when your broke. I didn't receive my yearly form to keep my aid before the deadline and now have to fight to get it back. I get $600 a month. I hit every food bank in town. But they mostly give you junkfood like cookies, chips, and Mac and cheese. Which is always funny, because most don't give refrigerated…
  • I eat almost nothing but carbs. Their cheap. I am learning new ways to make them healthier, but for my budget cheap comes first. I read one post that suggested intermittent fasting. I'm planning on looking into that. I have 50 pounds to lose, and I'm going to get there before spring!