Sorry, I had stuff going on, plus for r last few days I've had a usual memory span of, like, one minute. Lol. I'm glad your husband has a skill he can use in life. And I think you do, too. Often, I believe, it is the most observant of us who know the most at the end. :) I'm glad things are working out for you, then. That's…
I can throw myself into a conversation easily if it's about opinions, God, entertainment or life experiences. I just might not display/use social graces that everyone else takes for granted. But small talk makes me uneasy, too. I never feel like I know what to say, so it usually sounds to me like I'm repeating myself. It…
Hihihihi --- AND a huge welcome! I started it so that I would know I joined an active and friendly spiritual group; but I also started it because of a multitude of issues, including realizing that the less God I have in my life, the more I doubt Him -- and the more miserable and lonely I become. I also tend to socialize…
Should I ask "I don't know?" in answer to that? Is it possible to hide more than one question inside of a question? Why do you ask so many questions? Without questions insode of them? Can I deny being the teacher of questions school? Can I be a high Question Per Answer student instead? And what happened to the old teacher…
Why didn't you just get the cleaner? Then synchkat wouldn't have had to watch someone mop a rug? :o
I should have asked "Don't jsummd and rughead06 sound like they're married?" instead, right? It's more polite? And, ooh, a question inside of a question, can you beat that? :)
Shouldn't rughead06 and jsummd get a room already, haha? And isn't mopping a carpet just another way to wash it?