Ok, so, I guess I am low on sodium, I was going with the 3000 mg, I'll bump up to 5000 mg. Not sure what to do about magnesium?
Is that why I'm thirsty too? I thought I was thirsty because of TOO MUCH sodium... My daily food tracker generally shows as over goal for sodium.
I've never heard of Whisps! I'll check those our.
Thanks to both of you!
Maybe you could tell me based on my history?
Well, I've been struggling to stay with this WOE for a nearly a year. I'll do it for 3 to 5 weeks, then fall of the wagon for a month or two. I've been back on since 8/5. Determined to stick to it this time. Now I'm wondering how badly I've messed up my metabolism.... I have lost a total of 26 pounds over this time, but I…
Thanks KetoLady. I measure with ketosticks. I know they're not the most reliable, but they're cheap. :)
Add me. I'm on a similar diet, for similar reasons. :smiley:
Ah yes, good point. I have over 100 lbs to lose, so yeah, I've got plenty of energy for my body to hack into. Too bad the protein and fiber doesn't suppress hunger for, you know, ever.
OK. I was worried about that warning the calorie counter gives you because it was only 800 calories today. I appreciate your feedback!
I've got 2 friends who are both overweight. The husband is over 6 ft and has got to be over 330 lbs. They go to Disney World frequently and have never been kicked off rides.
Thanks everyone! I kept coming off the wagon since 10/15, but I think I'm really on it this time. I'm so pumped. I really appreciate your encouragement!