bcjan562 Member


  • Hasn’t been working since the last update. Come on already myfitnesspal, time to update again with a fix!!
  • Thanks Alatarie175!! Your fix worked like a charm on my mobile and web version. Thanks again!!
  • Good to hear :) Good luck to you!
  • I have a Fitbit flex and would definitely recommend you getting one. There is a Fitbit group on myfitnesspal that may be some help to you. I really like that it records my activity for me. And it definitely motivates me. Fortunately haven't had a rash on my wrist. Put it on your Christmas list
  • Way to go on your walk today! You may want to get yourself a fitbit or some kind of step counter (not sure which ones are compatible on MFP). Link it to MFP and it automatically adds your fitness to your totals.
  • Cancelled my WW membership tonight!! I use extra lean beef, which is 95%. Can't eat anything less now, I find it too greasy. Also, you may pay less for 90% but it cooks down to less volume because of all of the extra added fat. Use extra lean but use a smaller portion.
  • I cancelled tonight, feels good! Left feedback wishing them good luck with their Beta Experience.
  • So right about the database for food mattcyc. Because I have noticed Kirkland and Costco food in my searches, I searched Costco chicken stuffed with feta, spinach and asparagus. My jaw dropped when it showed up!! I am impressed!! With WW I would have had to have calculated everything individually. Totally understand what…
  • Just thought I'd let you all know that there are quite a few ex WW members on the iTrackBite site also. ;)
  • I am leaving WW also, my last day is Tuesday. I'm not going to pay my hard earned money for that mess. I am currently signed up for myfitnesspal and also iTrackBite (cost a 1 time $4.00, way cheaper than WW) I am getting used to doing the calorie count with this site and I can sync my Fitbit here also. iTrackBite uses…