ph3n1xrise Member


  • count me in as one!!!! been going since 12/18/2015 and I'm totally's the best thing ever for me....I enjoy the workouts and always get in a good one with each class...I love the science and tech behind he workouts...I always know that I can give a lil more or ease highest splat points were 40!!! best…
  • I've been going since 12/18/2015 and I swear I'm addicted to it...I wanna go every day but I know I can't because I have to give my body a lil break to recover so I go to 24hr fitness on my off days from OTF...but OTF is the best thing I could've done for myself and so happy about it.
  • joined 12/18 after very first class...I am hooked! it's the best thing I could've done for ME!!! glad to have found this group
  • I don't have a "gym bag " I ride a motorcycle so everything is carried in my, speed jump rope, water bottle
  • just discovering the forums, have been trying to be consistent with food and exercise and this app is helping me a lot so far but still trying to understand all the functions....looking to get under the 200 lb mark....and then to be at 180lb or less will be ideal.