tckohn Member


  • I hate working out at night. If I lift within a few hours of wanting to sleep then it never works, I usually get so amped up lifting and with music that I don't wind down as easily. However, I have read that having a shower close to bedtime can assist with sleep so I suppose the post-workout shower could trigger some sleep
  • If you're talking protein powder then absolutely. If you're having a whey protein then it could be the dairy. Also, some people just don't react well with certain ingredients! If your body doesn't react well to the protein, try a different one. Personally, I think PEScience is amazing and doesn't upset me at all but if I…
  • Hey! I feel like I'm in a similar spot, I've lost about 90 pounds so far but I'm so tired of everything! I'm working to restart my love of lifting and working out! My goal is to lose about 70-80 more pounds by next summer and would to give and receive support!
  • Hey lady! Congrats on your engagement!! I'm also just getting newly motivated and I'd like to lose about 80 more pounds and I'd love to support your on your way! My main motivation is that I'm going to be having surgery next summer and I'd like to be close to or at my goal weight!
  • Hi! I want to lose about 80 more pounds and I would love any support!! Tomorrow is my day 1 of being on track and working towards my long term goal.
  • Love this! I need to get outside more often and this seems perfect