CrittaHipHop Member


  • A twinkie and oreos sound absolutely delicious.
  • You misunderstand, I completely respect everyones opinions even if they are not the same as mine. But going through the responses the most of what I am reading is me using the term "clean eating" is my mistake. Its not necessarily the idea, its the fact I choose to use those words. And also the fact that I don't feel the…
  • If you don't understand, why the need to be negative? You criticize people for using a few words you dont understand and that is supposed to make them look stupid? Does the opposite from my stand point. But again you are entitled to your opinion.
  • Will do, thanks!
  • [edited by MFP mod] No thanks. I am pretty much done explaining. I can tell you no matter what, I have results. Whether its specifically from "clean eating" :smile: I dont know and I really dont care. I have results. So for now I will believe what I want and the rest of you can shove your negativity. To those that have…
  • Indeed! it seems as if I left out "clean eating" this would be a more positive thread...pretty ridiculous if you ask me.
  • Its a forum where everyone gets to have an opinion and I respect that. I have read up on the "clean eating" principal and while some "rules" I choose to not follow from the beginning, the rules I did set for MYSELF in the beginning have been followed to the T throughout this challenge. It is worth it for anyone who would…
  • By containing that very food you in reasonable portions, isn't that in fact creating a rule? You are not allowing yourself to go more than a certain point. I also dont fear the forum consequences of the diet nazis that I didnt know existed until today. Call it what ever makes anyone feel happy. Im still smiling about the…
  • Isn't the principal of a diet to break away from what you normally eat and control (set rules) what you intake? Is that being accomplished by these people who decide to take the route of "clean eating"? Then what is the problem to you? Do you give anyone who diets the same types of responses?
  • Agreed, but we may have different ideas of drinking lol. I understand now that the "clean eating" is a sensitive subject around here. But its the basic idea I stuck to and I do like it and for me it has worked. If for only the fact that im paying attention more, it has helped.
  • Its been a long time since I used a forum and forgot that every word is taken completely literal. I did not turn down the golf, I turned down the drinking. The golf was fun but being the only sober guy takes will power...the point. I havent looked up chemicals because I don't really care what each purpose is. I will go…
  • I have not researched any specific ingredient, and I wont. The idea of "clean eating" is what drew me to it. It opened my eyes to pay attention. Be aware and look at ingredients. And most importantly test my will power to stay determined. Its interesting turning down a day of golf and drinking or some dinner when I can…
  • Wow ladies and gentlemen, the whole "if you cant pronounce it" rule is meant to say about chemicals added to products because some are pretty difficult to pronounce. Its not meant to say if you are illiterate, you cant eat anything or if you are especially good with chemical terms you can eat everything... I'm also not…
  • Mix in egg, pepper and salt (to taste), and put it into a waffle maker. Takes about 10 minutes to cook and its delicious. May even use a little ranch dressing powder to flavor up a little.