spots8172 Member


  • THANK YOU, now I understand. And actually it's pretty funny, you hit it very close to home. When I'm on the elliptical for 30 minutes, it usually says I burn between 300-312 calories. I wonder if that's pretty accurate.
  • 6 degrees, oh boy, now that is cold. Treadmill without a doubt!
  • Yes, I'm looking for the nutritional information for the cooked pasta.
  • WOW, thank you for all that information. I don't mean to sound stupid here, but could you explain #6 a little bit to me? I don't quite get it. I'm thinking I have to cut back on calories? But I thought I was suppose to be taking in 1200? Do I always have to take in 1200? Thanks for your response!
  • Oh that is so funny cause I do the same thing. Then what I do is Google any question I may have like 2oz pasta equals..... then I get my answer, then I log it in. Then of course I actually measure out my pasta after it cooks so I know exactly how many servings I'm eating. BTW, I sure love pasta! And rice, and potato, and…
  • It shows some sort of image, I really can't make out what it is. Where can I find it?
  • Diannethegeek I press on that link but nothing happens. Silly me, I'll Google it, I'm sure that will help so I can see what you sent me. :)
  • Rosebarnalice Yes I do agree with that, no doubt. I am definitely going to get one.
  • Sault_girl I am trying to lose about 10 to 15 pounds. And trying to slim and tone my legs (well more so thighs) as well as tone and define my arms.
  • Running is my downfall. I never tried it on the treadmill at the gym, for I have a fear of it for some reason, lol! I probably would go running or jogging outside, but, I never do it. I would like to get some weights for home so that when I have some down time, I can use them..... maybe. :/
  • Ok, so I should be taking in 1200 calories a day? Sorry, like I said, I'm new to all this and trying to figure out what I should be doing and sticking to. And I appreciate all the advice and recommendations I can get. My basic day at the gym consist of going on the elliptical for 30 to 45 minutes breaking a nice sweat.…
  • Hi there Jkhoffe! OMG, I'm so right there with you on the wine, pizza and TV, better yet Netflix, lol. But I do understand how you feel. I feel the same way. I basically would like to lose about 10 - 15 pounds and tone up. I'd like to see tighter, firmer legs, and nice toned, defined arms. Not big muscle type, just a nice…
  • HamsterManV2 So if my calorie intake says 1200, I should only be using 700 calories?
  • Thanks for responding. Ok, let's see if I can answer all these questions. I'm new to all this so I may not answer correctly for there's a lot I'm still unsure about. Like how much calories should I be eating a day? When I workout, I log in MAP what I did and it adds it in the exercise part. Does that mean I should just…
  • Hi Angie! Thanks for replying :) I'm sorry to hear about your walking/workout buddy. But she'll be back and at it in no time. I wish I had someone to workout with, I just feel it's so much better. And I don't mean you need to be chit-chating the whole time, you know. Gotta work, gotta sweat! I basically go to the gym 4-5…