KneesX2 Member


  • Sijomial - very thoughtful advice. Honestly it was on the pre-printed handout of exercises I was given at the gym. I'm doing rotating days of upper and lower body along with abs and the option of HIIT or just ordinary cardio. I asked the trainer about HIIT because I wasn't sure I understood how to do it. I will definitely…
  • I like this guy! I bookmarked his website to explore. I think I have a better understanding now - thanks again for sharing this.
  • Thanks very much to both of you for replying. I was only able to view the second video but it is very helpful. I certainly feel like I'm going as hard as I can but I guess even if it's not truly a "HIIT" workout if I am doing intervals I will still benefit from that. With my knee I can't run - at least not right now. I…