Count me in for motivating friends!
My diary is wide open! My friend is helping me eat more protein in awesome recipes so should have those added in this week!
Count me in on the motivation brother!
Woo! Right here with you! Best of luck!
Always looking to get more motivated and dish out some grade A motivation!
Southern CT!
@scottdstrange1 awesome. Thanks for all the info! @sjohnson__1 sounds great! Thanks much, brother!
:o THIS IS BEAUTIFUL. Super comprehensive! And the warm-up cycle sounds excellent. I know I've read how the first two weeks are brutal because it's like nothing your body has ever done before. I'm more of a functional fitness kind of guy so being able to push more total tonnage is preferable for me over straight strength.…
Oh awesome! I'm glad to hear it, brother!
What did you use it for? What results did you see?
That's awesome! yeah I don't mind the fat, that's just a part of bulking. And yeah I'll probably curb most of my cardio then. 4k calories is a crapload! Makes sense tho for what you put your body through with GVT. And when you say "accessory exercises" do you mean like 3 exercises that individual target the muscles in the…