I am not very complicated and am a former Pepsi-holic. "Hi, my name is Marvin and I am a Pepsi-holic". I was born/raised and currently live in NC.... birthplace of Pepsi! lol. In the last few years as I have been working on this weight thing, I have looked for healthier alternatives to soft drinks. My first stop was fruit…
For me, as a rather big guy, I shy away from the frozen meals because of the sodium. But with that said, I enjoy the LC, and the Evol the most in the past. Of course, dare i say the obvious? Make the stuff at home, then freeze it in portions and you have the best of both worlds.
* People with a wall full of degrees who misspell things constantly, * People who believe or feel that they are the grammar police and must correct others... or somehow they will die if they do not verbalize the correction, * People who haven't a clue about using turn signals * People with selective moral outrage.
Anything with a good beat, a great drum beat keeps me in step and in rhythm! I go as far back as some 70's music, and as recent as maybe some 2014-2015 music. Metallica, Ozzy, Aerosmith, Poison, GNR, heck, anything with a good beat and some jamming music. That's the thing!
One of the biggest things I do to help motivate me to workout after work is that I do not sit down. Meaning I don't go home and sit down for a moment, to unwind and the sort. That is just asking for the mind to kick into high gear with the excuses and procrastination. Instead, straight from work I go for a walk. Be it in…
My workout today? I walked 4 miles! YES YES, I DID IT I DID IT!!! Oh sure, it may not be some seriously heavy workout schedule others may have, but I am not interested in keeping up with anyone but me, albeit I am in fierce competition with myself, lol. Today was the most I walked at one time, modest pace, and did 4 miles…
I have tried the eggs/banana recipe and it is awesome!! EASY and awesome!
I would love to know what some of you skinny, "harsh" workout folks listen to, what is on your playlist? What gets you going, pounding pavement?!
I have been told many times over the last few years to not pay as much attention to the weight scales as perhaps measurements.... measure yourself. Arms, legs, etc etc. That will be a better tale-tell sign than the 'ol scale, which to me is fickle and fluctuates too much in a day to be totally 100% reliable.
Hi, My name is Marvin and I just started all of this, I mean kicked it up several notches in the last few weeks with exercise and nutrition. Right now I am a little self conscious to post anything in any of these forums as, from what I can see so far, 99.999% of the people here are not big like me. But I intend on using…