As a type one I can eat whatever I want with insulin. Not sure how it works with type two but it could be the case.
I looked the diet up a while ago and for my blood type I believe it recommended meat and animal products. I'm ironically vegetarian and thats what makes me feel my best.
I think it should be taxed even if the majority won't stop at least it may pursaude some to think twice and also give the government more money to hopefully benifit the country.
Newish vegan from Ireland feel free to add me :)
This is my first vegan Christmas. We are going to our grandmothers for Christmas and she won't even try cooking vegan food (not that hard to do mashed potatoes). So I will be bringing my own meal and it will likely be under my calorie goal.
High carb low fat vegan makes me feel amazing and lose weight. It just makes me feel so healthy. But usually for everyone plain calories in and calories out is always the answer. HCLF just helps me stick to cals and feel good!