DesOdhi Member


  • Yes, I agree. I’ve only really ever heard of people using it for religious reasons. I just wondered if anyone had any actual health benefits of doing it. Thank you for your response.
  • @kimny72 Okay, maybe I’m a bit mistaken but I had assumed I made it pretty clear that I didn’t know much about the topic, which is why I am asking the question. So, if you would like to ask questions, this is not the thread to do so. Not being rude, of course, just not sure how your response has benefitted this thread in…
  • Ok, thank you. Not really looking to do it. Just being inquisitive at the moment.
  • Thanks everyone for the tips and ideas. I'll definitely be trying your suggestions as well as signing up for Pinterest for more ideas.
  • I'm not entirely sure. I'm not a huge calorie counter. I usually go by what my stomach tells me. I haven't been feeling hungry, just bored tbh. I try to incorporate a lot of carbs and a huge amount of veggies to stay satisfied, it seems to work.
  • Unfortunately, I do have to make the drastic leap. My body over the last 2 or 3 years has been going haywire. I'm figuratively becoming a bubble girl but literally feel like it. I've developed 6 allergies within the last year and have had crazy side effects from those allergies developing . It was highly recommended by my…
  • @crazyravr Firstly, you know nothing about me. So, instead of being rude, let me inform you. The reason I went vegan was not to lose weight. I developed an allergy to beef and all of the products that came from it (milk, cheese, etc.). I continued to eat animal products and my body began having more problems including,…
  • That used to happen to me, but only with my step counting options. I just decided to let MFP count my steps & Garmin calculate my activities. I'm not sure about why it's counting your activities twice.
  • My speed was 5.0 at a 5.0 incline on a treadmill for 30 minutes. Then 4.0 at a 1.0 incline for 35 minutes on the same treadmill. As far as the weight training, you're probably right. I just assumed that the heart rate monitor would account for some type of accuracy in that department.
  • Here's a pic of today's Garmin stats, if it helps.
  • Lol, no unfortunately. I usually work 12 hours a day & I'm so exhausted after I get off that I sleep for the other 12... unless I have classes.
  • I work 12 hours a day & those extra hours acct for time in college classes.
  • I wish I could reply to every single one of you. I just want you all to know that your "Why's" are quite inspiring. I'm more motivated just reading what motivates you. Stay strong!
  • Fast food, from everywhere. I'm currently "un-addicting" myself.
  • 31 Bravo. I can't exactly choose a trade right now. You're kind of placed until you rank.
  • Thank you, this helped the most. @blues4miles
  • What are the 7Ps?
  • @MeanderingMammal I do have structured PTs 4 days a week but I don't seem to be getting better like the other cadets. They all came into the program ready after doing JROTC. I'm the "new" girl. Also, we have multiple tests, but the important one is in the beginning of May.
  • Running buddies would be great, I just don't know too many people in my area. I'll look into local groups online.
  • For me, a jog is just a little bit faster than half the speed of a run. For example, if I jogged a mile, I'd finish it at around 13 or 14 minutes. If I ran a mile (which is impossible for me now b/c I'm out of shape) I'd finish it at around 9 minutes. I'd need to have a 8.15 minute mile to pass at a minimal level. So,…
  • I'm going to look that up, thanks!
  • Thanks guys! This all helps. I'll definitely be trying interval running. As far as trying something else, I can't because it won't be beneficial to my goal. I'm in Army ROTC and we have to pass our AFPT to commission and become a 2nd LT. This test has 3 parts and the biggest part is running 2 miles. I can't pass it right…
  • @ClosetBayesian Are you suggesting I should do that or are you asking if I am? Either way, no thanks. I don't like cabbage.
  • Lol, I probably should have written "lol" after that remark. I'm not literally only eating that. I'm not hungry. I love food too much to be hungry. I was only asking for more options to feed my face. I do appreciate the concern. If I wanted to starve myself, why suffer through tomato soup?
  • Thanks @newmeadow and @chastity0921 I'll definitely look into protein powders and plain Greek yogurts to add to my unsweetened fruit smoothies and juices. As far as fats, I have olive oil maybe I can mix that into my soups. @Kamikazeflutterby I'm a pretty healthy person. I work with a nutritionist twice a week as well as a…
  • Thank you, I can't do the first due to the "no desserts" part, but the 2nd and 3rd sound like good ideas
  • I'm not catholic but I am celebrating lent because I felt a calling to do so. However, I am still Christian and my own church is having a fast of our own, a liquid fast. I don't feel obligated to explain my self or reasons. I asked for help, not accusations or ideas of what you believe I am doing. I don't need to lose…
  • @ClosetBayesian I'm not desperate to lose weight. I like to eat so no I wouldn't give up food for no reason.
  • Been there, done that. Firstly, this is normal! I would strongly suggest that you meal prep so that lunch, dinner, breakfast, snacks, and even late night random snacks are accounted for if you're dead set on sticking to 1200 calories a day. I'm no health expert so who am I to tell you what to do with your body? However, I…
  • To answer some of your questions: 1. 60lbs is the weight that would put me at a peak weight. 40 to 50 lbs would make me acceptable to the military. 2. May is the month that I am accepted or declined to go further in the program as well as the month I'll be signing for bct next year. You can't sign unless you make weight or…