di_763 Member


  • I just tried Choco Chip Cookie Dough Quest Bar...loved it! Much more dessert-y than the Vanilla Almond I usually buy. I think 1/2 in the evening with a cup of decaf would be delightful! I'll pick up both S'mores and Cookies &Cream since you give them high marks. Thanks!
  • I love the simplicity of Rx Bars, but the sugars are too high for me (and I do realize it's natural). I'm curious about their glycemic index.
  • It depends on what you are seeking in terms of type of shake. I do low carb, so I use Matrix by Syntrax. They blend well in water and soy or almond milk. I have stared using Chike iced coffee shakes too. A great pick-me-up when I hit that 2pm lull.
  • Congrats for getting exercise in despite the bad weather! When it's yucky out, my motivation is low.
  • I'm also cutting way back on wine. I watch my carbs very carefully, but for some reason, wine sneaks past my radar. So avoiding that liquid luxury will definitely be s priority for me. Best of luck to you!
  • If it's not too late to join, count me in! I typically don't weigh myself; the fit of my clothes tells me what I need to know. But I'm willing to do a weekly hop on the scale. My goals: avoid diet soda and meet my water goal (64 oz), walk 40 minutes 4-5 days a week, meet my nutritional goals (mfp) and take vitamins every…