tflynn817 Member


  • @psuLemon at 6 ft and 170 lbs w 3300 calories my weight stays the same. You're right that adding 900 Cal's would just turn into fat bc of how slowly muscle is gained. I was putting a future hypothetical out there.
  • looking for community and support as hard gainer. most of this thread seems to be about people believing they are hard gainers but not really being one. i weigh 170lbs, eat 3300 calories/day of good clean food, exercise 5x/wk by lifting weights and stretching, and have a desk job. dont adjust your screen, i actually track…
  • looking for community and support as hard gainer. most of this thread seems to be about people believing they are hard gainers but not really being one. i weigh 170lbs, eat 3300 calories/day of good clean food, exercise 5x/wk by lifting weights and stretching, and have a desk job. dont adjust your screen, i actually track…