SW 375 CW 350 Only weighing in once a month. The weekly weigh in or daily weigh in was discouraging even though it could have been extra water weight or muscle gain. Congrats to everyone on their loss!
I'm loving seeing all of these updates! You guys are amazing!! Congrats on the successes!! starting weight: 375 Current weight 366.
Starting weight: 375. Current weight 372.8. My motivation is my son and myself! I'm carrying much too weight for my 6'1 frame. Would totally be acceptable if I was in the nfl...or male! Lol but I'm neither! I need to be comfortable again and ride every ride with my kiddo! Damn it!
Hi guys! I use a Taylor digital scale that I've had for about 7 years (might be time to upgrade)! I'm weighing one per week but recently read an article about how we should start weighing daily. I was doing daily weigh ins up until recently and would get so discouraged if I felt my eating and working out has been on point…
Working mom of a 12 year old boy! Just starting the workout routine as of today. Definitely here to support and I'm sure I could use it too! Feel free to add me!
Hey!!! I'm all in for this, in fact, I've started my eating healthy and workout plan as of today. I surely didn't want to put on any more weight anticipation the first of the year. I'm pushing towards that 100lb goal for sure! I know it's not going to be easy but it will be well worth it!
I'm here to support and could use the support as well! I have an initial goal of losing 85 lbs! Whew! Definitely add me!!!