reetgreenthumb Member


  • Is this why it feels really awkward on some of them? I thought it was my form being crap but some of the machines feel really uncomfortable with the range of motion.
  • biggest loser workouts were good start up dvd for me. Rushfit is another good one for all levels because they demonstrate the modified version of what they are doing for people who can't do the advanced way yet. You can always pause the videos or lower the intensity of what you are doing. Just don't suddenly stop moving if…
  • from my experience if you have a big belly it kinda takes away from your *kitten*. I lost weight and suddenly have a bit of a butt because the front part isn't so damn big and my *kitten* is now more proportionate to the rest of me. It might actually be there and when you get to your weight goal it will show more. You…
  • Maybe this one will be good for beginners. I never tried it but I just searched and watched a little and she explains form and dynamic stretches for warm up. Make sure you stretch before and after because you will be more sore after if you don't stretch.
  • Youtube has lots of exercise videos and they explain form and demonstrate how they work. Maybe watch a few and pick ones that are at your skill level and start there.
  • According to my kickboxing instructor, our brains need 170g of carbs to function properly. He put me on a diet and I lost a bunch of weight. It was low carb but I was allowed lots of veggies and meat. I was allowed my grains and fruit before lunch and eliminated added sugars. I was only eating about 1300- 1500 calories a…