This is what I needed to hear, a-thank-you! ;)
Meeting my online-partner for the first time in an anticipated five years sometime hopefully in October, I'd like to lose at least 50lbs.--or be just under 200lbs.. that would make me very happy! <3
SW: 253.6 [Dec. 26, 2016] CW: 243.0 [Feb. 01, 2017] February Goal {original--by Feb 17}: 236.x February Ultimate Goal: 233.x Ultimate Goal: 140.x [This is interesting, 'cause I've told myself 236.x by Feb. 17--I suppose I'll just say by the end of February, 233; either/or would be amazing!] Good luck, everyone! <3
Mother of God, how WONDERFUL! <3
I'm a Gemini, so I'm always extra special ;) But naw, my ability is to get away with being a complete ditz. How does anyone put up with me? :D
This! I would like to join one for February as well!
Ha, yeah--some people on here are just way too... there's no word for their kind, honestly. :s Glad I'm not the only one who sees it!
Thanks for all of the positive feedback, I was also assumed to be pregnant (back in high-school, twice by the same person)! Thank you three for the continued kindness and support! You all are so inspiring! <3
Aww! I'm going to check and make sure, thank you though! :D <3
Aww why thank you, ma'am! :) <3 I appreciate it! <3
I'd like to thank you ALL so much who took the time out and commented on this thread, I appreciate all of the kindness and support, and I read every single post--thank you, thank you, thank you! The post-topic is sad, but sharing these experiences with one another only encourage and uplift--thank you all so much! <3
LOL, yeah. He probably was, or himself for that matter. He wasn't too fit, either.
Thank you, ma'am. I am sorry that some of your family doesn't like your appearance.. I know how it feels, and it hurts. :( </3
Aw no...! :o( I am so sorry, that is very hurtful to assume that someone's pregnant because of their tummy. :( Does it still bother you?
I DREAD going to that side of the gym... Planet Fitness has a "no lunks" policy, but I still feel very intimidated. The guys over there probably aren't out to get me, but I just feel like it, you know? I'm sorry that happened to you, but I am glad you moved on. :) <3 and I hope it doesn't happen again either.. <3
Aww thanks! *virtual hugs* :love: thanks for still coming and comforting me! :)
Thank you thank you thank you! I do forget that people have problems as well, and things that they dislike about themselves. I feel like I am a target for hurt, to be honest. Like people can sense that I am weak, and take advantage of it.
This puts things into perspective, and you're absolutely right. Two grown men (who weren't even all that fix themselves) insulting me from afar.
Why thank you, sir! You're very right. I made it into something for me, and that's all that matters. Much appreciated! :)
Haha! This made me laugh. Thanks marvelboy11, this was nice to see. and you're right--it didn't motivate me because of what they said, more or less me being able to look back on it and be like, "what gut?" :D
That's amazing that you're happy with yourself, Thanks so much :)
Thank you ellebronwyn89, I apologize that it's happened to you. Did you ever go back?
Awww! <3 I've had that happen to me before too, and I've never been pregnant. Thank you very kindly for sharing that with me. Does it ever still bother you?
Thank you, you're right--it won't even matter in a few months I'm hoping.
Haha, I had the same thought as well.
Thank you so much! I will keep my head up high, it'll be worth it soon enough. Thanks so much, ma'am. <3
I am way too happ I love the use of *kitten*, it lightens me up. Thank you kindly, sir. <3
Thank you both so much for taking the time and assuring me that it will be okay and to just look forward. It means so much to me! <3
Gee, my curse word was replaced with *kitten*, I hope I don't get banned from MFP, hm. I apologize--was getting into my horrible experience. :s
WOW, this is incredible. It must feel freeing, congrats I am speechless. <3