Shelbelle40 Member


  • What I love about the food diary is when you finish logging your food and you go to the bottom and complete your entry it comes up with this - 'If every day were like today you would weigh (whatever number) in five weeks". I love it because every day is NOT going to be like today. Good or bad. Every day you get to choose.…
  • Trenton Ontario here! Hockey fan - check. Double double - drinking it as we speak (with milk and sweetener to make the calorie hit more tolerable). I'd go to the gym twice as often if I had to to keep my coffee :smile:
  • Literally the exact same thing happened to me today! Four pounds heavier on the new scale..... But what hasn't changed is how good I feel about myself lately, the changes I see on the measuring tape or the two notches tighter my belt is. So I'm shrugging it off and I'll start recording my weight again when I lose the four…
  • THIS^^^! I told my daughter I had lost 2 inches of my bust and her response was "The boobs must be sacrificed for better things!"