bindwado Member


  • I've been using protein powder to make smoothies and even healthy snacks like carrotcake slice. Can be hard to find clean protein powder though, should be 100% whey protein isolate, no sweeteners, chemicals and other crap. I buy mine from here there's some good…
  • I'm much the same, I'm 5"7' 42 hip and 29 waist. In my 20's I had 24 waist with 36 hip and looking back I was too skinny I think. I'd be happy now about half way in between! Personally I find diet makes more noticeable changes on my tummy and muffin top whereas excercises like burpees, weighted sqats and lunges reduces…
  • I drink tea when I'm craving a glass of wine after dinner, so it really helps me keep down the calories! Green tea has caffeine though so not great in the evenings. Try adding fresh mint or ginger to black or herbal teas to give a flavour boost without artificial sweeteners. Adore Tea in Australia has a great range that…
  • Agree with so much said above. Like weighing fruit, I thought an average banana was like 100 calories but when I weighed a banana it was worth 220 calories, not that it stopped me eating it, bananas are awesome. But made me aware! I also pre-log my meals and exercise when I can to give me an idea of the day ahead and tweak…
  • Alcohol does slow your metabolism as your body goes straight to metabolise the alcohol before anything else, ie food intake, fat, sugar etv. Everything in moderation is a good rule. A great fitness coach advises 2 drinks per week max! I love a glass or two of wine a little too regularly myself so I try fit it in my calorie…
  • I make a simple green smoothie for breakfast with 1 scoop (30)gram protein plain whey powder, 125g pineapple, 100-150g spinach, a handful of fresh mint, 150ml of coconut water and a few ice cubes. The mint makes it very refreshing! It's high protein low cal etc. Even if you don't like green smoothie try adding a bit of…