Matthewpaver Member


  • Yeah same here. I have random days missing.
  • Snap. I'm near your weight and height and aiming for 210. Been a long journey from 355, but it's all about the long term lifestyle change vs fad diets.
  • The way I've approached it is to try and limit the bad carbs like pasta and rice, and up the protein. Basically just means swapping pasta or potatoes for roast vegetables, or if i can't avoid rice i go for brown rice and limit the portion. I also aim for <1500 cal a day, and even though the weight loss plateaus every now…
  • Hey. I'm on the journey from 355lbs to 210, still about 70 to go so know the feeling of having 2-3 digits to lose. To get this far I had to think of it more as a lifestyle change than a diet or programme where you can't have the occasional rubbish. No "diet" needed, just eat a balance of good foods with a bit of activity…
  • You need to think of it more as a lifestyle change than a diet or programme where you can't have the occasional rubbish. No "diet" needed, just eat a balance of good foods with a bit of activity and aim to change your lifestyle for longer term results vs getting annoyed at yourself for having a bag of crisps or something.…
  • Hang in there. My weight stayed at 295lbs for over a month for no apparent reason, and then all of a sudden I lose 10lbs in 2-3 weeks. Just keep the exercise up and try to swap out more carbs for protein I guess.
  • Cheers. Managed to get to 285 the other day so it's still come off, just always wish it was quicker. 75lbs to go till the target now. Must admit i much prefer my lifestyle now to what it was, and don't seem to miss all the junk food or sitting around doing nothing for ages.
  • Sorry I haven't replied, the app never told me I had responses. I managed to get down a few more pounds lately, down to 289lbs (took 2 months to get from mid 290's to less than 290 with exercise and good eating. Odd!). In terms of comments about calorie intake, I've been tracking my life with this app and totalling around…